
Blogging CommunityHere comes another post dedicated to those fantastic, exciting and very sexy blogs out there that everyone should read. I was so happy with the reception of my first post in this series and I hope I can continue to connect people through blogging.

Sister Geeks: The wonderful and hugely talented ladies over at this site are a joy to talk to. With their posts ranging from pop culture, lots of television and stars in states of undress, it is a site to treasure.

Husband and Husband: Jonathan and Aaron are the couple who run this site. You can feel the warmth and depth that comes with every post by them. And the amount of personal feeling and touching detail applied to their work is nothing short of outstanding.

My Tiny Obsessions: The fabulous Cristina is a loyal blogger with an acute knowledge of books. Her blog is just full to the brim with excellent suggestions and must reads. Truly a blog that is filled with style and substance.