
Dragon's Loyalty AwardThe lovely ladies over at Sister Geeks have nominated me for another Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I’m so happy they thought of me for this award as they themselves are fantastic bloggers with a site of wonderful material. Thanks for this.

I will now share seven facts about me, that you will hopefully find interesting.

  1. Humid weather makes me moody.
  2. I love a good spy movie, espionage is supremely intriguing.
  3. I used to play the keyboard a bit but haven’t done so in ages.
  4. I believe that the future is what you make of it, you can shape your future.
  5. I can’t stand snobbish people who look down on others.
  6. I wear glasses when using the computer as I did get headaches from using it a lot.
  7. The blogging community has been a Godsend.

And here are my nominees.

  1. Husband and Husband
  2. Oracle of Film
  3. Cara