
I’ve just realised that the wonderful Cara over at Silver Screen Serenade has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I would like to say a big thanks to her and encourage anyone who hasn’t read her blog to visit it ASAP. versatile blogger award

This is a great honour and an excellent way for to kick off 2014. Now onto the set of requirements for accepting the award.

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
  2. Include a link to their blog.
  3. Select 15 bloggers you follow and want to pass the award onto.
  4. Nominate the 15 bloggers and inform them of it.
  5. Finally, list seven interesting facts about yourself.

Thank you Cara for bestowing this award on my blog, it means a lot and I appreciate your kindness.

Now for the nominees:

  1. Alex Raphael 
  2. Where the Wild Things Are
  3. Movies and Music Cafe
  4. Kitt Noir
  5. Beguiling Hollywood 
  6. RichardAnkersWrites
  7. Cinema Parrot Disco
  8. Cindy Bruchman 
  9. The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger 
  10. Film Grimoire 
  11. Elemental Reviews
  12. Films and Coke
  13. Oh! That Film Blog
  14. Keith & the Movies
  15. Timneath

All of these blogs are amazing so please check them out.

Now for seven facts about me:

  1. I really don’t like snakes, I used to be terrified of them. Although now I’m not that bad, people used to call me Indiana Jones because of my dislike of snakes when I was younger.
  2. If I were to meet a celebrity now it would be Jennifer Lawrence. She’s such a talented, gorgeous actress who seems really down to Earth and funny.
  3. The first film to really scare me as a child was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I love the movie, but the part when the man has his heart ripped out used to terrify me as a kid.
  4. I often like films with a large ensemble cast.
  5. I like movies that have an ambiguous ending, I love how it leaves it up to your own imagination.
  6. My favourite era of filmmaking is the 70’s, so many amazing movies emerged from this time period.
  7. My favourite camera shots in movies are close-ups.

Thanks once again to Cara for the award and I hope you check out the blogs I’ve nominated.