
Please everyone check out this excellent post by my good friend James.

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"I'm having a Birthday party, but you're not invited, 
but you can come if you want." - Arnie Grape

This isn’t a new argument, nor is it a recognised one by the powers that be but I feel a duty as a film lover and DiCaprio fan to speak these words. We all know that Leo has been in some fantastic films over the years and has worked with some brilliant minds, Scorsese and Nolan to name a couple. Many of us were stunned that nothing was given for his roles in Inception or The Wolf of Wall Street, not even a murmur of recognition could be heard except of course amongst the people that matter, the fans.

What gives?

However, these aren’t the films that I’m concerned with. Some of the lesser known titles may not have drawn as much attention as the more recent blockbusters but they…

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