
Versatile BloggerI’ve just been informed by Emma that she has nominated me for my third Versatile Blogger Award. I would like to send my thanks to the fabulous and highly talented Emma, who runs an amazing blog that everyone should check out.  Anyway in order to accept the award I must first select 15 other blogs for the award and then list 10 facts about myself.

So here are my nominees for the award:

  1. Alex Raphael
  2. The IPC
  3. Silver Screen Serenade
  4. Movie Rob
  5. Ivan’s Blog World’s
  6. Beetley Pete
  7. Table 9 Mutant
  8. Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger
  9. A Guy Without Boxers
  10. The Telltale Mind
  11. Sweet Archive
  12. Damian Thomas Films
  13. The Oracle of Film
  14. Vampire Placebo
  15. Where the Wild Things Are

Now for 10 facts about me:

  1. I have quite a raunchy and naughty sense of humour.
  2. I have a total of three scars on my body.
  3. My two main man crushes are Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth.
  4. I’m often told that my best feature is my smile.
  5. I’m usually an early riser in the morning.
  6. I’ve never broken a bone in my body.
  7. I’ve been known to be quite stubborn on occasion.
  8. Apples are my favourite fruit.
  9. I’m not biggest drinker but I don’t mind a bit every now and then.
  10. I believe that if you put your mind to something, success will come.

Thanks to Emma for this award, it really means a lot.