

As anyone who follows me will know, horror is probably my favourite movie genre. One aspect that I adore is the roster of strong women or final girls that appear. Nine times out of ten it is the ladies who are left standing. But which of them is your favourite?

Mine are and the reasons why:

Ellen Ripley is the ultimate bad ass who takes control in heavy situations. You wouldn’t want to mess with her.


Sidney Prescott is a resourceful and very human character who shows great initiative and resilience. And she’s probably one of the most relatable heroines.

Laurie Strode is a level-headed girl with the great ability to think on her feet with intelligence.

Nancy Thompson is the go to girl for survival and ensnaring the horror that stalks her.

Kirsty Cotton is another resilient heroine sucked into gruesome situations but able to quickly adapt.

So which lady is your personal pick? Mine are just an example, so yours can be any lady from the genre.