

Two Years Blog AnniversaryTwo years ago, I uploaded my first post to WordPress. At the time, I was unsure of whether people would like my blog or not. Since the inception of this blog, I have been encouraged and applauded by many wonderful bloggers out there. This is a post dedicated to all my followers and those who have kept this site alive and kicking for 2 years. I didn’t get chance to do a post on my 1 year anniversary because I was busy at the time, but with it now being two years, I knew I had to do something to say a huge thank you to the blogging community for their constructive feedback and excellent support that make this blog what it is. To all of you bloggers out there who have supported me along the way in this incredible 2 years, thank you very much for everything. Without your kind words and loyal support, this site wouldn’t be celebrating its two-year anniversary. Also, I want to say Happy Easter to all my followers.